Shebag Louis Vuitton bag quality upgraded! With price raise slightly! (2024 Week 11)

Shebag Louis Vuitton bag quality upgraded! With price raise slightly! (2024 Week 11)-Best Quality Fake Louis Vuitton сумка онлайн дүкөнү, Replica дизайнер сумка ru

In 2023, Shebag continued to upgrade its Chanel bags. After two major upgrades, our Chanel bags have been welcomed by most customers, who have continued to purchase more. We thank all Shebag customers for their support. In 2024, we have essentially completed the quality upgrade of the Louis Vuitton bags.

This upgrade is comprehensive; we employed more expensive workers, some of whom came from the former 187 factory. We have used thicker, stronger, and deeper-colored imported sewing threads, which are of course more expensive. We used more elastic Monogram fabrics, making the touch and weight much closer to the genuine products. We used hardware of higher purity and hardness to pursue clearer engraving effects and longer durability. We used more expensive glue in an effort to reduce the pungent smell of large bags.

Additionally, we will increase the static resolution time for new bags to minimize the smell of glue before shipment, even if this will increase some of our inventory and costs. Of course, with these comprehensive quality improvements, Shebag’s prices will inevitably have to increase, but we strive to keep the price increase within $50. We believe that most of our customers are willing to pay an extra $50 for a top-quality replica Louis Vuitton bag with finer quality.

Next, we welcome all Shebag customers to test our Louis Vuitton replica bags. Furthermore, as Shebag adopted a low-price strategy early on, we launched $39 wallets and jewelry, and a $99 area for small bags. Currently, the price of wallets has generally increased to $59, and some bags in the $99 area have slightly increased in price. After the first three months of 2024, all products on the Shebag website have been switched to top-quality replica products. We believe that our comprehensive upgrade measures will make our customers trust Shebag even more.

Indeed, Shebag is a group of factories committed to top-quality replica bags, and we are willing to uphold quality for all our customers.

Shebag Louis Vuitton bag quality upgraded! With price raise slightly! (2024 Week 11)-Best Quality Fake Louis Vuitton сумка онлайн дүкөнү, Replica дизайнер сумка ru

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