- 14
- Dec
Alessandro Michele Fired Gucci, Dè mu dheidhinn GG Marmont agus Dionysus?
O chionn ghoirid, bhuail naidheachd spreadhaidh saoghal an fhasain gu lèir! Dh’ ainmich an sàr-eòlaiche dealbhaidh Alessandro Michele gu h-obann gu robh e a’ fàgail Gucci!
Alessandro Michele designed Gucci’s most fashionable GG Marmont and Dionysus bag, these two bags will be discontinued?
Tha fèill mhòr air baga Gucci GG Marmont agus Dionysus anns na deich bliadhna a dh’ fhalbh no mar sin, top replica bags tro riochdachadh baidse, tha an càileachd air a bhith gu math àrd, eadhon ged a sguir am baga dearbhte, is urrainn dhuinn fhathast dealbhadh Alessandro Michele den chàileachd as àirde GG Marmont agus baga Dionysus a cheannach.
Tha an naidheachd seo uamhasach!
Às deidh na h-uile, rè gabhaltas Michele, chruthaich e uimhir de amannan glòrmhor dha Gucci!
Many people, especially the younger generation, really got to know and love Gucci because of his retro-modern, gorgeous and romantic designs.
Even some girls have begun to worry, Michele previously created a series of explosive bags, the god of wine bag, GG Marmont and other bags, will not be discontinued?
Thòisich e uile air ais ann an 2015.
At that time Michele was given the job on the spot and had only 5 days to contribute a super stunning Gucci menswear show!
Bha an taisbeanadh air leth soirbheachail is nach b’ fhada gus an robh e na stiùiriche cruthachail ùr aig Gucci agus stiùir e a’ chompanaidh gu caibideil ùr eireachdail ~.
For her first collection, Michele experimented with genderless designs.
Dh’adhbhraich na boghan chiffon, lace agus rioban mòra a bha rim faicinn anns a h-uile àite san taisbeanadh mothachadh ann an saoghal an fhasain aig an àm!
But that was just the beginning, the concept of gender ambiguity has since informed all of Michele’s designs and ideas.
Billie Eilish, Harry Styles
And after the continuous output of a variety of jaw-dropping designs, Michele’s brain all sorts of unimaginable ideas, and immediately “sluggish” Gucci “revitalized”!
Gucci has also become the most fashionable and highest desire value in the fashion world.
Not only have they contracted the closet of hipsters, but they are also very popular with celebrities!
The world’s most fashionable, big-time celebrities are scrambling to wear Gucci when they attend important occasions.
Jessica Chastain, Li Yuchun, Lady GaGa, Jared Leto
The key Michele under the Gucci also burst out frequently, a variety of bags, shoes, clothes can be said to be on fire in the north and south!
I think we must have more or less gotten those explosive single products, now see also very emotional it ~
Gucci can be said to have become the original more “universal”, while the performance also in Michele’s leadership of the overall rise.
From 15 years less than 4 billion euros in revenue, all the way up to 9.7 billion euros in 21 years, directly doubled!
Liu Wen, Ni Ni, IU, Yang Mi
Gus a bhith onarach, tha mi air leth toilichte a bhith a’ faicinn breith maighstir fasan agus ath-bheothachadh sàr bhrannd nam bheatha, tha mi a’ faireachdainn an dà chuid air bhioran agus urram!
I think that many of my fans who have been following me for years probably feel the same way.
So today, Mr. Bag will take this opportunity to give you an inventory of the superb Gucci bags during Michele’s tenure!
Come and see which bag is also your favorite! You can also tell me which bag you least want to see discontinued!
Gucci Dionysus bag
Is e am baga “Dionysus” Gucci a ‘chiad phrìomh mhodail pacaichte a chuir Michele air bhog.
It was unveiled at his first Gucci show, the Fall/Winter 2015 men’s show!
The distinctive tiger head clasp + thick chain is full of vintage feeling, and it caught everyone’s appetite when it was first introduced at the show.
Tha fios agad, aig an àm sin, nach eil saoghal nam bagaichean dha-rìribh coltach ri Dionysus a leithid de shealladh eireachdail den bhaga, tha mòran nigheanan air tuiteam ann an gaol sa bhad!
In the following seasons, Dionysus bag has always been the brand very important bag ~ show can often see its figure, and each season there is a new artistic creativity.
It feels like Dionysus bags have once become the Dream Bag of all girls around the world!
Coimhead air Yang Mi, tha na bliadhnaichean sin cuideachd craicte airson grunn stoidhlichean de phocannan Dionysus ~ a ghiùlan
Yang Mi.
Of course it’s not just the Dionysus bag, Michele’s Gucci debut had many surprises!
Do you still remember the double G belt that was a big hit at the time?
With a simple but high-profile, vintage premium texture, successfully captured the hearts of many fashionable girls, is a must-have item in the closet of every fashionable girl in previous years.
Bha cuideachd slaodadh fuilt Gucci Princetown a thàinig a-mach à àite sam bith, agus bha e air feadh nan sràidean aig astar a bha follaiseach don t-sùil rùisgte.
For some time, even give a person do not buy you not enough hip feeling, is also once a person “feet” a pair of super explosive models!
Since then, the double G logo and horsebit buckle have become very important design elements for Gucci~.
The Gucci vintage aesthetic was successfully defined under Michele.
Bag Gucci Sylvie
Tha Michel air leth math!
Dionysus bag did not come out a few months, in the spring-summer 2016 show, Gucci immediately launched a second explosive bag Sylvie.
Bidh rioban dathte suaicheanta Gucci ann an làmhan Michele na shealladh ùr, a’ fàs eireachdail agus romansach, chan eil a h-uile duine a-nis na bheachd air an t-sealladh “seann-fhasanta”.
Tha seòrsa de sheann stoidhle geal beairteach agus breagha anns a’ bhaga gu h-iomlan, mus do thuit na nigheanan ann an gaol le baga Dionysus, an turas seo no thuit Sylvie air!
The Sylvie’s popularity also marked the beginning of Gucci’s heyday.
Many girls not only got the Sylvie first, but even used this bag to match a whole set of Gucci look, completely from the heart love!
Tha an Sylvie socair, eireachdail agus romansach dìreach air a thighinn gu bhith na bhaga a tha a h-uile nighean ag iarraidh a bhith aige, agus tha i cuideachd air leum gu rìgh-chathair rìgh nam bagaichean bliadhnail ann an 2016!
Ach, bha teine Sylvie na spreadhadh, agus thuit an teas beagan nas luaithe na bha dùil.
A-nis faic a-rithist gu bheil seòrsa de fhaireachdainn eadar-dhealaichte ann an saoghal, agus eadhon gu bhith na “deòir nan amannan” aig mòran dhaoine, chan eil fhios agam ciamar a choimheadas tu air?
Poca Gucci GG Marmont
Chan eil Michele a ‘stad air an t-slighe gus an suaicheantas dùbailte G a dhèanamh nas motha.
He then launched his third phenomenal bag, the GG Marmont, at the Fall/Winter 2016 womenswear show.
Yes, everyone’s favorite Gucci, actually released another flap chain bag!
Also with a double G locking clasp and gold chain, so retro, so model, or leather, with the common chain bag on the market at the time are different, simply the perfect choice of bag!
Mar as trice ge bith a bheil thu a ’caitheamh làitheil no eireachdail, tha am baga seo a’ faireachdainn math agus feumail.
A bharrachd air a ‘phuing prìs 10,000 + cuideachd gu math càirdeil, tha an comas cuideachd gu leòr airson feumalachdan làitheil.
Many girls also chose the GG Marmont as the first big brand bag in their lives to start, and after that every day to carry.
Am measg an raon fharsaing de phocannan leathair, bha GG Marmont a-riamh na dheagh roghainn ann an inntinn a h-uile duine a tha foirfe anns a h-uile taobh agus aig a bheil farpaiseachd meadhanach àrd. Nas fhaide air adhart, chaidh mòran de mhodalan derivative a chuir air bhog aon às deidh a chèile, gus am bi teth is ùrachadh GG Marmont air a chumail aig ìre àrd.
Gu sònraichte am baga camara GG Marmont, an dà chuid Suaicheantas fìor àrd aithnichte, ach cuideachd tha comas sònraichte sàr-mhath, beul a ’bhaga tha zipper gus tèarainteachd a leasachadh, tha a h-uile latha air ais fìor mhath airson a chleachdadh. Tha an iuchair dìreach air a chuir air bhog nuair a tha a phuing prìse fìor mhath cuideachd, fìor àrd cosg-èifeachdach, gus am bi fèill mhòr air a ’bhaga seo!
GG Marmont Small
Gucci Ophidia bag
After that, Michele released the Ophidia collection in 2017, and it was pretty hot at the time!
Tha bualadh GG Supreme eileamaidean agus còmhdach-lìn stiallach dearg is uaine a’ toirt làn ìre clasaigeach don bhaga seo.
This series of bags not only has a super high cost, everyday also light and good, so harvest a lot of popularity.
Is fhiach a ràdh nach eil e gu tur an aon rud ris an t-seann flùr Gucci air a bheil sinn eòlach roimhe.
Michele innovative adjustment of the GG Supreme print, the overall color of the milk curry cold tone, compared to the previous pure vintage sense, more a kind of senior street style, for Gucci old flowers to reoccupy the market and a serious push.
Of course, in addition to these bags, during the heyday of Gucci, Michele also managed to create many other favorite creations.
Thoir sùil air an dealbh seo gu h-ìosal, a bheil rudan ann a fhuair thu a-riamh nad làmhan?
Gucci Horsebit 1955
Ann an 2019, chaidh prìomh bhrandan a-steach don bhliadhna “mac-samhail” baga.
Michele reinterpreted and launched the Gucci Horsebit 1955.
Compared to other gorgeous and extremely busy Gucci bags, this bag comes with a quiet, vintage tone.
One of the hottest, of course, is the GG Supreme canvas patchwork leather model.
Tha am bucall ìomhaigheach eich agus am pàtran GG Supreme a’ toirt sealladh clasaigeach is seasmhach don bhaga seo, agus tha am bodhaig àrd gu sònraichte stuama.
A bharrachd air an sin, tha an comas agus an practaigeach gu math sàr-mhath, chan eil a ’phrìs ro dhaor, agus tha uimhir de chlann-nighean air am baga seo fhaighinn.
The popularity of the Horsebit 1955 has gone up a notch, especially with the addition of the Shaw War.
Until now, this bag is also one of Gucci’s most significant representative bags, is a good choice for a safe and reliable ~.
Xiao Zhan
Gucci Jackie 1961 bag
The Jackie can be said to be an important bag throughout Gucci’s history, born in the 1950s.
Jacqueline Kennedy, the former First Lady of the United States and a super fashion icon at the time, was a huge fan of the bag and got her hands on several of them, often seeing her carrying them!
So in 1961, Gucci renamed the bag Jackie!
Jacqueline Kennedy
Agus bha deagh dhàimh aig Michele leis a’ bhaga seo!
Before becoming Gucci’s creative director, Michele actually joined the Gucci design team in 2002 and was in charge of the leather goods and handbags department.
Rè na h-ùine sin, bha Gucci cuideachd air Jackie ath-riochdachadh.
Ceit Moss 2014
Ach cha b’ ann gus an do chuir Michele, mar stiùiriche cruthachail, dreach ùr den taisbeanadh Jackie at the Fall/Winter 2020 air bhog a fhuair am baga gluasad a-rithist.
Honestly, in my mind I think it’s the latest version of the Gucci Jackie 1961 that best fits everyone’s current aesthetic!
The new Jackie bag type is more sophisticated and sharp, the whole exudes a strong retro-modern atmosphere, compared to a good everyday bag more stylized.
Agus tha seòrsa baga Hobo air ais na theine, agus mar sin aon uair ‘s gun deach a chuir air bhog choisinn e fàbhar mòran nigheanan.
Gucci Bamboo bag
Mu dheireadh, thig sinn chun àm bambù a chruthaich Michele!
The Bamboo “Bamboo bag” has been one of the most iconic and classic bags in Gucci’s history.
To be honest, when Michele officially released the replica Bamboo 1947 in 2021, it really felt like the return of a king ~
Compared to the previous, the new version of Bamboo 1947 has a more sophisticated and romantic modern atmosphere in addition to the retro-modern.
Ach is fhiach a ràdh, ged nach till am baga bambù ach ann an 2021, gu dearbh tha e air a bhith ann an taisbeanaidhean Michele tro na ràithean.
Whether it’s a variety of bags with bamboo handles, or a rare leather bamboo bag that appears as a special part of the show, the importance of the “bamboo” design for Gucci is constantly being emphasized.
A ’toirt a-steach tilleadh baga Diana às deidh sin, gu dearbh, tha e cuideachd na“ bhaga bambù ”.
Le eileamaidean bambù a bharrachd, tha barrachd sòghalachd agus mothachadh trom air eachdraidh aig a’ bhaga seo.
Feumaidh mi a ràdh, chan eilear a’ dèanamh dì-meas air cumhachd “bambù” Gucci!
Uill, tha na tha gu h-àrd na gheàrr-chunntas air pocannan spreadhaidh Michele agus nithean fasanta mar stiùiriche cruthachail Gucci.
Which models have you gotten before? Which is the one you can’t part with?
Dè na dealbhaidhean Gucci eile fo stiùireadh Michele a thug buaidh ort?