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Top 6 most worthwhile replica bags to buy (2022 Updated)
I don’t know if you bag fans have found that halfway through this crazy 2020, finally the major brands are starting to focus on the power! Recently more and more new releases of bags, wonderful design is quite a lot!
Especially brands have released their new products, these new products will soon be available to buy! Some even earlier, and now slowly a small amount of open for sale!
After studying a large circle, I found that now the most popular bag type, in fact, is still the armpit bag. A lot of big brands will soon be on the market new, all include small bags that can be carried underarm, retro and beautiful. Underarm bag trend, it seems to continue for a long time!
Today I’ll take a good look at which bags are most worth buying this year!
1 The best replica bags: Mr. Bag x Tod’s cooperation model
The first of course to say that yesterday just released Mr. Bag x Tod’s cooperation models! Yesterday, a lot of bag fans have left comments, this series is really too good-looking! I myself also think it is very good! I can say that the last two years, I am most proud and most satisfied with the design!
This is actually the fourth consecutive year that Tod’s and I have launched a collaborative series. Most of the previous collaborations have been on Tod’s existing bags, with special designs in colors and details. But this time the series is more special, is a new bag type! Is also considered a thousand calls to come out, and finally meet you!
My goal this time, is to bring you a superb value, how to take pictures on your back are particularly good-looking, but also very practical, good back underarm bag! So I especially chose a three-dimensional half-moon shaped body, and all the details are simple. Such a very simple design, gentle with some literary style, especially good with, casually carry, how to take pictures are very good.
I made a big effort to choose the colors for this collaborative series! The three colors are all colors that I think are superb. They are the super versatile and elegant milk tea, the chic and youthful pistachio green, and the cool and literary almond white.
Milk tea color is the most versatile classic color, very very durable, and in the next fall and winter back especially good back! This is also one of the most classic color scheme of Tod’s, Princess Diana’s favorite color that year. The key is with such a simple underarm bag design, it is easy to carry out the literary tone, but also a little naughty girl atmosphere.
Song Zu’er
This time, I see a lot of people have said that they like this pistachio green! I myself also super love! It’s really youthful! Any way to take are very fashionable, with a blazer oversize, or a very girl cartoon T-shirt can be. A little cool, a little cute, a little literary, all can hold!
And almond white is a dry and clean feeling, a little cool and not eat the popular temperament of the world. Together with the embossed logo design, and neat stitching, the whole package four flat, calm and senior, is definitely a favorite of girls who love vintage literary style.
In the design of this bag, I consider the most is the length of the shoulder straps. If the shoulder straps are too long, you can not carry the effect of the armpit, the straps are too short, the armpit back and will be very stuck, not very comfortable. So I did a lot of research, and finally found the most comfortable shoulder strap length for Asian girls.
Will be a little longer than the general underarm bag straps, back very comfortable, not stuck at all. So, even if you wear a thicker jacket, you can also fashionably carry it underarm! Of course, the size and capacity of this bag, I also have a good grasp! Its capacity is absolutely superb in a small bag!
Large cell phones, rechargeable batteries, and daily needs of lipstick, powder, etc., can be put down. And this bag body is pure leather, not only retains the Tod’s leather goods consistent high quality, but also particularly light, belong to the body without any sense of burden of the small bag. Whether you go out everyday or want to dress up a little, it is a good choice.
More details about the Mr. Bag x Tod’s collaboration series will be revealed one after another! Seeing how popular it is now, I guess this bag will be especially popular! If you like this bag, hurry up and buy it!
2 The best replica bags: Gucci Jackie 1961
Recently there is a bag that I myself have liked to death! It’s this new Gucci Jackie 1961!
It was unveiled at the Fall/Winter 2020 show and it was amazing, especially the mini version was simply adorable! As soon as it came out then, I knew this bag would be popular! Plus it was still featured in the early spring collection afterwards, which would indicate that this bag is a top priority for Gucci and will definitely do very well!
After waiting for more than half a year, Jackie 1961 can finally buy it recently! In fact, looking at the name, you can find that it is also a replica bag. Initially debuted in 1961, because the fashion icon at the time Jackie Kennedy often carry, so the name “Jackie O’s Bag”.
I must say, the trend is really a reincarnation! More than half a century has passed, the retro style is back, such Hobo armpit bag shape and become super in line with the current aesthetic. And this year’s new Jackie is really a bag that I think is rare, and the real thing looks better than the previous style!
The Jackie 1961 gathers many of Gucci’s classic elements. Not only does it have the retro-chic GG Supreme print, the round-edged trapezoidal bottom, but the metal clasp on the front of the bag is also a very iconic design.
Not GG Supreme print style is also very nice! The body of the bag is a super retro half-moon shape, in this year a number of square bags look very special, but not too exaggerated, the classic phase full, not afraid of out of date!
In addition to this, the biggest highlight of this bag comes from its shoulder strap, which is also more intimate than the vintage Jackie. The new shoulder strap is adjustable in length, and there is also a patchwork shoulder strap included. Adjust the short shoulder strap can be handheld, slightly longer as an underarm bag is very suitable, plus the patchwork shoulder strap can also be crossbody, a bag can be changed out of a special many shapes!
As Gucci’s new main packaged models, many stars have also been carrying the new Jackie, retro and obvious texture, both good and very cantankerous, really special like!
I have now seen the size, there are mini and small. Mini number I recommend, is the size of a cell phone bag, just to put down the phone, especially cute, although you can not carry underarm, but carry in the hand is also very delicate and good-looking.
The capacity of the small size will be more ample, the basic daily needs of things can be loaded, the upper body size is also very suitable, is a perfect underarm bag. Gucci 2021 early spring show, but also the new large size Jackie 1961, this size boys hold a special feeling!
This early spring show, what I really like is not only Jackie! How to look cute!
3 The best replica bags: Prada Re-Edition 2006
When it comes to underarm bags, Prada’s various nylon Hobo’s have made a name for themselves! If you’re still looking for a lightweight, inexpensive and classic Prada underarm bag, but don’t want to clash too much, check out Prada’s new Re-Edition 2006!
The body of the bag like a crescent moon is particularly lovely, both the classic phase of ordinary nylon Hobo, but also a newer and more interesting shape! Its biggest highlight is the locking buckle that connects the two ends. The biggest highlight of it is that this can be connected to the two ends of the lock buckle buckle, the body of the bag itself is a handbag, chic and casual at the same time.
And remove the latch, its shape becomes a bit similar to Prada’s previous Hobo models, a particularly classic underarm bag.
If you still prefer leather bags, Prada actually has a new underarm bag that I really like! From the recently released Spring/Summer 2021 menswear show! Although it is a men’s show, but also released several sets of new women’s clothing! The most impressive of the newly released bags is this half-moon shaped underarm bag!
Although the design is simple, but the classic Prada triangle label and with some glossy leather makes it look particularly high class. And it also has a small twist, look closely at the short side and long side of the asymmetric design, from a regular small bag, become more design sense!
In addition, this season there are several flap small bag, is also both hand-carried, also suitable for carrying as an underarm bag shoulder. The flap bag design looks more vintage literary, with fresh macaron color will highlight the sense of girl!
In fact, Prada Spring/Summer 2021 mainly goes for the minimalist style. Although it was a men’s show, several of the women’s dresses were highly discussed. Nylon material always gives people a very street and casual feeling, but I didn’t expect it to be made into a bustier dress so chic and lovely, so I feel like there will be more girls who love fashion to buy it afterwards!
Moreover, this is the last Prada collection designed independently by Ms. Muicca Prada, after which Raf Simons will participate in the design together. So, this collection is worth buying, the pieces are very collectible!
4 The best replica bags: Burberry Olympia
Burberry’s Fall/Winter 2020 show saw the launch of this underarm bag, which has also been discussed by many girls who like bags. Because of the show held at the Olympia Exhibition Center in London, this bag also got the name Olympia Bag.
Zhou Dongyu
The design of this small bag almost throughout the show, it is not difficult to see, it will be the next season Burberry very important main push bag models!
Olympia Bag’s body, the same is a very memorable curved design, and its shoulder straps than the traditional sense of the underarm bag shoulder straps longer, in fact, relatively speaking autumn and winter back is particularly suitable. Wearing thicker clothes is not afraid, the upper body is still simple and dashing!
The classic checkered design is very Burberry feeling, but also a special retro tone of the small bag! How about that? This Burberry latest underarm bag, do you like it?
5 The best replica bags: Louis Vuitton Vanity
Louis Vuitton makeup bags are becoming more and more popular these days! The earliest, was the launch of a few double-zip makeup bags at the Spring/Summer 2020 show.
Later, this old flower spell top reverse color design makeup bag, the most popular! With the black and gold chain looks very noble woman, hold up quite fancy!
But this bag in the old flower bag model pricing is not low, another more basic model of Nice better value for money, in recent months the popularity soared! Especially the mini models are the most popular. Although not equipped with a shoulder strap, but you can buy one to match, will be more practical! The Nice Vanity, which is bigger than the PM, comes with a wide shoulder strap in nude pink, and it’s actually very convenient to travel with a bag like this, which has a lot of capacity and is also quite fashionable!
Louis Vuitton has launched a cool poker collection for early spring 2021, and also a make-up bag design!
This series of colorful old flower design, combined with the elements in the playing cards, reminiscent of the tri-color design in cooperation with Takashi Murakami, very girl cute! If you like it, you can look forward to it!
6 The best replica bags: Dior Bamboo basket bag
Dior 2021 early spring show, is full of vacation style! My favorite, are these two bamboo bags! Dior’s bag design, has now become a school of its own! Rattan + Dior Logo + wide shoulder strap design, simple and durable.
In addition to the top tote bag, there is a very cute little bamboo basket design. To be honest, although these two bags look more low-key, but still vaguely with some aristocratic temperament, more suitable for not bad bag girls to buy to collect!
Well, it is worth buying the bag, so let’s summarize it here! After reading today’s introduction, which bag do you want to buy the most?