How good quality is an Shebag Hermes Constance 19 bag?(2023 Week 40)

How good quality is an Shebag Hermes Constance 19 bag?(2023 Week 40)-Best Quality Fake Louis Vuitton сумка онлайн дүкөнү, Replica дизайнер сумка ru

Hermes is the top designer bags, more advanced than Chanel, than Louis Vuitton and Gucci and Dior senior 2 grades. hermes bags are all handmade, leather fabrics senior, production workers examined. In Shebag company, the most experienced bag-making workers are qualified to replica hermes bags, hermes bags stitching are hand-stitched, stitching workers sewing, countless times were tied to the fingers.

Hermes bag hardware is also different from Louis Vuitton, the use of high hardness palladium plating. We often see Louis Vuitton’s hardware rust, but Hermes bag hardware almost never rust. The hardware is polished and chamfered, and the H-buckle is fine and flat, with no visible curves at any angle. H buckle inside the small buckle nail is stainless steel, will not be as bright as white steel, and all around the chamfering treatment, the bottom of the fine brushed and polished traces, the plate has two screws, screws and holes with a high degree of fit, natural fit! The engraved grooves have some depth and are not whitened! The engraved bottom groove is white are low-end replica bags, laser engraving!

Today’s Hermes Constance 19 bag uses Epsom cowhide, dry to the touch, small grain, fine texture, leather feel round and solid. It is relatively wear-resistant and practical leather, and is not easy to deform. The inside is made of French sheepskin, with clear pores, soft handfeel, and minor scratches can be self-repairing.

The oiled edge of this bag is light and thin, zoom in to see the split texture of the leather and the graininess of the leather fiber. Bag stitching is dipped in waxed twine, showing matte, all hand-pulled, with obvious hole spacing, and will not be as even as the machine alignment of the balls.

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