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Gucci Bamboo best quality replica bags(2022 latest)
This Bamboo is one of the most classic GUCCI bags, bamboo elements have been used by Gucci to this day, the retro bamboo handle is its biggest symbol. The bamboo handles used are all imported from Japan, and each bamboo handle bag consists of 140 large and small parts, all made by Gucci artisans in Florence in 13 hours, by hand. The bamboo sections need to be bent by hand to achieve the perfect curvature, and then sprayed with a specific lacquer to give them a wonderful shine. With such a process, the bamboo bag that each person buys is unique. This high quality replica bag carries a unique elegance and exoticism, making the “bamboo knot” a classic symbol in the history of design.
Paatohia a konei ki te hoko peeke Gucci tauira pai rawa atu
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