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Top 6 of the most worthy of buying flap replica bags (2022 Edition)
Now the major brands of bag design is more and more diverse, all kinds of bag types are emerging, and we have a lot more choices. But I found that the girls buy to buy, the most loved in fact, or flap bag!
Especially the flap bag with a square body and leather shoulder strap is the most popular! Most of them are equipped with eye-catching metal buckles, with a strong retro style, on the body is particularly easy to match the temperament, almost can cope with every scene of daily life! The key is, because after buying almost every day can carry, feel to buy a special return!
I took a good look around, you don’t say, almost all major brands have at least one, very signature very famous retro flap bag! So today I’ll take a good look at which brand of which flap bag, the most suitable for you!
1 The best flap replica bags: Celine Classic
Every time you mention a vintage flap bag, the first thing that comes to mind must be the Celine Classic! For many people, the design of this bag, almost defines the retro flap bag low-key, versatile image, and senior and retro tone.
In a sense, it is also what makes the flap bag, a bag type, so popular. Some people may ask, Classic this bag has been out for ten years, is it still worth getting now? In fact, I think so! Classic this bag value is really high, the upper body really looks good, and has become a very iconic Celine bag.
But now when you see a person carrying this bag, it is certainly not as stunning as it was seen in the early days. It can be said that it is no longer a symbol of hipster or good taste. But if this bag you have ever loved deeply, or you just love the design, I think it’s still worth buying one to treasure, usually look good with a little. If you only love to buy classic bags, or very fashionable, may Classic is not necessarily the best choice for you.
2 The best flap replica bags: Celine Triomphe
Celine has another flap bag, the Triomphe, that’s been gaining popularity over the last year! When I first saw this bag, it was hard not to compare it with the Celine Classic. So when this bag first came out, many people were not optimistic, thinking that this is a Classic “stand-in bag”.
I don’t know, in fact, Triomphe this bag and Classic look like, but the structure is not exactly the same. Similar in size, the Triomphe has a larger capacity and is more practical. Simple design, coupled with the front of the bag very nostalgic style of the double C Kai screw buckle, so that this bag is very vintage bag flavor.
Compared to the Celine Classic very low-key, simple metal locking buckle, Triomphe design, more a touch of personality and handsome. Also make this bag more popular with a new generation of young people!
Kaia Gerber
3 The best flap replica bags: Gucci Gucci 1955 Horsebit
Gucci 1955 Horsebit This bag, I guess the bag fans are already very familiar with! This bag to Gucci classic horsebit as the main element, the most popular is the leather patchwork GG Supreme canvas models. The overall brown tone of the color scheme, giving a retro and literary tone.
1955 is a special bag size, a little larger than the general flap bag. And its shoulder strap is also referenced to Vintage style, not too long. Tone it short to carry it on one shoulder, just under the armpit position, and crossbody will stay perfectly in the waist.
The 1955 is a special bag size, a little larger than the average flap bag. Its shoulder strap is also a reference to the vintage style and is not too long. Adjust it short enough to be carried on one shoulder, just under the armpit, and slung around the waist.
In addition to the canvas patchwork leather style, 1955 Horsebit also has a pure leather model, also very good-looking! The leather is shiny and delicate, more atmospheric and understated than the canvas model, but also has a more noble and advanced taste.
4 The best flap replica bags: Dior 30 Montaigne
Dior 30 Montaigne can be said to be Dior’s current flap bag representative, but also Dior’s two years of popularity of a superb bag!
Compared to most flap bags that are more rounded, the 30 Montaigne has a strong sense of dimensionality to its body. The simple rectangular bag shape even resembles a small box, such very straight lines, giving a sense of elegance, generosity and class.
As a typical leather flap bag, the 30 Montaigne also has a striking metal locking clasp. The CD bag clasp in the middle of the bag, with a doctored finish, has a superb presence! The symmetrical design, and does not give the impression that it is too obviously a big brand logo. There will be a very French elegance charm on the back, especially tasteful.
5 The best flap replica bags: Saint Laurent
Saint Laurent Solferino is one of the latest bags from YSL. It has a square exterior and a very standard flap bag look. This bag is a replica of Saint Laurent’s 70’s style, so this bag also carries a strong retro temperament.
Unlike other flap bags, this Solferino bag has a unique hook-and-loop stitching design around the edges, outlining the bag’s silhouette. It makes this bag look deeper, more refined and less minimalist in structure.
As a retro flap bag, Solferino’s bag body also has a metal old logo. classic YSL bag buckle, both advanced and with brand recognition, comes with a unique cool and personality. So the more you look at this bag, the more you feel that, compared to the first few bags, this bag is more valiant and handsome!
6 The best flap replica bags: Burberry
The TB Bag is also currently Burberry’s iconic and popular flap bag. However, the TB Bag is particularly young and modern in a crowd of vintage-inspired styles.
This unique youthfulness comes from the TB Bag’s unique metal locking clasp. The combination of T and B on the latch is like a sword and shield shape, which is very eye-catching. A quick injection of a youthful power to the flap bag.
In addition, there is a small depression in the TB logo. The small design of this detail immediately distinguishes it from other flap bags, and has a more modern look, and the whole bag has a more design sense.
Plus the texture is also very good, TB is actually absolutely versatile and not dull. Whether it is with the literary style, or street style trendy clothes are very good-looking.
Irina Shayk、Gigi Hadid
Well, after looking at so many retro style flap bag, do you like this bag type? Among these bags, which one do you like the most?