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matumba apamwamba kwambiri a Dior Book Tote (2022 aposachedwa)
This Dior book tote is from the Dior Alps limited series, decorated with tricolor embroidery throughout, the base color is white, giving a very clean feeling. It is very recognizable by the lucky stars and “CHRISTIAN DIOR” printed on the front. This high quality replica bag shows off the exquisite craftsmanship. It can be carried by hand or on the shoulder, and it looks great either way. It has a very good capacity, whether commuting or going out shopping, it can hold all the items needed for daily use.
Large: 41.5×34.5x16cm
Small: 36x28x16cm
Dinani apa kuti mugule zikwama zabwino kwambiri zofananira za Louis Vuitton
Shopping replica bags Now:
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