- 21
- Jan
Gucci tote mini best quality replica bag (2022 updated)
Gucci tote mini best quality replica bag finally got it! The bag body is the classic double G old flower fabric, the side and bottom of the bag with brown cowhide, both are very resistant to wear. And the whole bag type is relatively stiff and shapely, the handle is also fixed, can not move up and down, which will not have to worry about the long use of extrusion deformation and other problems. In the middle there is a gucci double C logo leather plate, very brand recognition, in addition to the use of bright line sewing process, so that the whole package of retro sense stronger. The shoulder strap color is caramel, the width of the shoulder strap is 4cm, there are four grommets, you can adjust the length, meaning that it is suitable for girls of all heights, the shortest, you can do a chest bag, and then shoulder crossbody, take off the shoulder strap can also do hand carry wrist, really very practical.
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"图片包含 装饰品, 桌子, 棕色, 行李
"图片包含 桌子, 盘子, 食物, 棕色
"图片包含 桌子, 盘子, 摩托车
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19 $ Kúpte si vysokokvalitnú dizajnovú peňaženku alebo držiak karty (iba 1 kus pre každý účet)