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Chanel’s most popular Chanel 22 top quality replica bags (2022 updated)
Chanel’s most popular Chanel 22 top quality replica bags (2022 updated)
Ya Allah! Naon ngeunaan kantong CHANEL 22 anu matak panas pisan kaluar ti gerbang? Hargana langkung ti $8,000, konter masih teu sayogi. Sanajan kitu, éta pabrik tas replika di Guangzhou parantos ngamimitian produksi, hargana sakitar $500.
Pikeun nyarioskeun naon kantong anu paling panas ayeuna, CHANEL 22 pasti anu pangsaéna!
Henteu ngan dina platform utama boga gelar luhur sawala, tapi ogé saméméh release resmi, langsung dina daptar raja tas Maret munggaran, moméntum estu kuat!
I have also introduced the CHANEL 22 bag to you in other articles before, and every time there are many people leave comments saying they like it.
This is not, just recently, CHANEL 22 finally officially online!
CHANEL ogé nyumponan harepan tilu béntang ngora anu ayeuna populer, nembak set atmosfir super dina kampanye iklan ~
I have to say, CHANEL is worthy of CHANEL! These films are really great!
Cool and fashionable, but also full of a sense of high, but also the 22 suitable for many different occasions, different styles of feeling shot out ~.
Dinten ieu kami bakal ngarobih sudut, kalayan cara ningali pilem, pikeun nyayogikeun anjeun pangalaman pinuh ku CHANEL 22 kantong ieu!
Film pondok munggaran, kalungguhan awéwé pisan akrab Lily-Rose Depp!
To be honest, I watched this video several times over and over again.
Naha éta interpretasi atanapi metode ngedit, éta seksi, bébas sareng sikep super!
Pilem ieu diarahkeun ku Inez & Vinoodh
This is completely a day in the life of a young Hollywood actress, elegant, sophisticated, dashing, full of a sense of French sophistication, and CHANEL kind of very Iconic temperament.
Lily-Rose is also confident, lovely and feminine, especially charming!
Interspersed with black and white images of pop elements, and injected the film with a strong sense of youth and humor, super attitude!
Sareng CHANEL 22 salaku kantong anu dilahirkeun dina koleksi Spring / Summer 2022 Haute Ready-to-wear, masihan kuring parasaan anu sami.
Bag style and personal charm blend and collide with each other, and the whole design inherits the classics while placing great emphasis on its own personality!
The first and most eye-catching thing about this bag is the soft body!
Calfskin with a sense of oil, visually a little between ordinary cowhide and oil wax leather, the overall soft, silky but not particularly delicate.
Kantong teu kedah ati-ati, sigana aya aturan sareng peraturan anu langkung sakedik, nada langkung santai!
At the same time, 22 is also a rare leather large bag of CHANEL. Although the size is large, it does not look heavy on the body at all.
Kantong ngagantung sapanjang sisi awak, masihan jalma gambaran anu bebas sareng spontan.
Feel with most of the previous CHANEL bags, presenting the temperament are particularly different!
Liu Wen
The Chanel 22, kumaha oge, nembongkeun rasa sophistication na classicism milik éksklusif pikeun Chanel.
It has leather through the chain, diamond pattern quilting, double C Logo, these are the iconic elements of CHANEL, but also everyone’s favorite design.
So a look is the bag from CHANEL, born with a good feeling ~
Samentara éta, dina hareupeun kantong aya logo hurup leutik.
Salaku kantong badag, logo di luhur teu enlarged, tapi rada “embellished” kana bentuk kantong.
The logo on the body of the bag is available in both lacquer and metal!
Both give the bag recognizability and not make people feel too ostentatious.
Instead, it allows everyone to better focus on the texture and design of the bag itself.
Anjeunna Kong
In addition to the Logo on the front of the bag, the chain shoulder strap of CHANEL 22 is decorated with a double C logo pendant.
Sigana mah hiji koin emas heubeul, vintage, ngagurilap tur pisan desain.
Loket Logo leutik, sareng langsung nyéépkeun rasa detil kantong ~
Saatos kantong dina awak, ranté nu ngabalukarkeun koin emas jeung ayun awak, bébas sway sabudeureun, Sigana utamana dinamis.
Hiji teu bisa nulungan tapi Hhh, ulah kasampak di kantong ieu sigana pisan spontan, unconventional, tulang masih boga CHANEL konsisten, ngungudag desain exquisite!
Like this high value, versatile, texture and very much in place bag, daily no matter what occasion to carry, are suitable, to inject a sense of seniority with all.
Sakumaha anu disebatkeun ku Lily-Rose Depp dina pagunemanna sareng CHANEL.
“Kuring ngarasa kuring tiasa angkat ka mana waé nganggo kantong ieu! Gawé, leumpang sorangan, maca buku di taman, bade bobogohan, komo ka pantai!”
It is worth mentioning that the CHANEL 22 is another bag named after the year after 19.
From this point alone is enough to see its importance to the brand, the status is not to be underestimated!
You know, although there are many, many CHANEL bags, but really have an official name, that is very little!
And because this bag combines classic attributes, chic design and uniqueness at the same time, I’m as excited about the future performance of the Chanel 22 bag as I am at the end of this film!
Sanggeus film kahiji, hayu urang tingali dina pilem kadua pikeun carita!
Waktos ieu, adegan parantos ngalih ti LA ka New York, sareng tokoh utama parantos robih janten Whitney Peak~
The film is directed by Inez & Vinoodh
Beda jeung “béntang Hollywood” dina pilem munggaran, pilem ieu museurkeun kana “gadis hareup panto” di kota.
The director designed the film’s plot as a telephone voice mail, as if the protagonist is talking to himself, giving a strong sense of interaction, especially interesting!
Puncak Whitney
Dibandingkeun LA, New York sorangan méré gambaran pisan bébas tur energetic, sarta wewengkon Brooklyn dina pilem ngagambarkeun pisan ngora, sisi jalan kota.
Abdi kantos cicing di New York sababaraha taun, ningali pamandangan sareng taksi anu biasa, kuring ngarasa yén sadayana caket, janten nostalgia Oh ~
Puncak Whitney
And CHANEL 22 is also like this, easily able to show the vitality and spontaneity belonging to young people, but also very adaptable to the modern lifestyle of young people!
Sigana geus meunang leupas tina cadangan na saméméhna, sarta nempatkeun Chanel urang barontak, aturan-ngalanggar, sisi sikap pisan sorangan di hareupeun dulur!
Kuring nebak dulur ogé kapanggih, pilem Whitney Puncak milih hiji pink Chanel 22 kantong kaluar tina kaméra.
The bright pink color makes a match more eye-catching, looks sweet and cool, especially a sense of vitality!
In fact, Chanel 22 has come out with a number of different color options once it was launched this time.
Both the classic black, white, but also a playful sense of bright colors.
Can be cool, can be playful can also be gentle and introspective, feel a lot of different faces, so girls can freely show their personality!
Salian pilihan warna anu beunghar, Chanel 22 ogé panginten pisan pikeun ngenalkeun 3 ukuran, masing-masing leutik, sedeng sareng ageung, bédana ukuran saleresna atra.
Size from left to right: small, medium, large
But then, because the bag itself is relatively soft, so no matter what size, in fact, are not very picky body.
Anu langkung penting, kapasitas tilu ukuran, lumayan ageung!
In a conversation between CHANEL and Whitney Peak, she also mentioned.
“Ieu sigana kantong Chanel karesep kuring dugi ka ayeuna. Abdi resep pisan kana desain anu fungsina lengkep sareng abdi hoyong nyandak sadayana dina kantong kuring unggal kaluar.
Mémang, kantong ieu sarat teuing!
Even the smallest small size, can easily fit a 13-inch computer, and is placed vertically, horizontally, no problem, not to mention other small items that must be brought out of the house.
Everything can be stuffed into it! It is now the most loved feeling of young people ~
In addition to the good capacity, each CHANEL 22 will also come with a small Pouch, which immediately adds another point to the practicality of this bag!
The bag-in-bag design is not only good for sorting and storing small items, the small pouch can also be detached and used separately, which is really great!
And although this is a bag within a bag, its texture is unambiguous, still very comfortable to touch!
Perlu disarioskeun yén CHANEL 22 janten populer pas diwanohkeun, ogé kusabab atribut praktisna anu jelas pisan.
Di dunya tas leutik ayeuna di mana-mana, seueur jalma anu leres-leres milarian kantong ageung anu sampurna anu saé pikeun dibungkus, katingali saé sareng modis.
Penampilan CHANEL 22 leres-leres tiasa disebatkeun naon anu dipikahoyong ku sadayana, haha!
See here, I wonder if you have already started to like the CHANEL 22?
Abdi nyarioskeun ka anjeun, éta jauh tina tungtung! Pilem terakhir dinten ieu, pamimpin awéwé nyaéta Margaret Qualley!
The film is directed by Inez & Vinoodh
To be honest, this film was beyond my imagination, I didn’t expect to see it set in the desert and in nature!
Everything was in a particularly natural, fresh and dynamic state.
Margaret qualley
Here, Margaret Qualley hikes, rides and plays in nature with 22 on her back.
Kalayan sakedik rasa omong kosong sareng playfulness alami mojang dina kecap-kecapna, anjeunna sigana gratis sareng teu paduli.
Margaret qualley
Although the environment is very natural and rustic, it does not feel at all out of place with Chanel 22.
Perhaps as Margaret Qualley mentioned in her conversation with CHANEL.
“Virginie sok tiasa nyiptakeun potongan anu cocog sareng awéwé sareng ngamungkinkeun aranjeunna langkung saé, éta kamampuan bawaan na, sareng kantong Chanel 22 mangrupikeun conto anu sampurna pikeun éta. Kantong ieu nyumponan sadaya kabutuhan awéwé.
Liu Shishi
Mémang, naon kabutuhan budak awéwé pikeun kantong?
The original source is to be able to carry what you need and free your hands anytime, anywhere.
I feel that the CHANEL 22 is really like the film, back to the basics to complete its original mission as a bag ~.
This is a low-profile, good and comfortable bag that can naturally be trusted and can change with the style of the owner of the bag, without constraint.
It can be formal, elegant, honest, decent, and become a powerful assistant with various styles and occasions ~
I do not know if you have found, in this film, also appeared in the figure of the shoulder bag.
That’s right! Chanel 22 actually has a shoulder bag design!
Margaret qualley
The shoulder bag and the shoulder bag have almost the same appearance profile.
Not only do you have two chains to carry on your shoulder, but the brand has also made a small carry handle at the mouth of the bag, which can be turned into hand-carry mode when needed, very convenient~.
Hal kahiji anu anjeun kedah lakukeun nyaéta kéngingkeun ide anu saé pikeun anjeun laksanakeun.
You see this, do not think that today’s article will end?
In fact, in addition to the story of three actresses and CHANEL 22, Mr. Bag also has a little story with 22 that he wants to share with you!
Yes, I took my CHANEL 22 and completed the “20,000 steps a day” challenge!
Last week, I got up early for the first time in a long time and went out for a walk!
The first stop early in the morning was Tiantan Park! Here I breathed in the fresh air and felt the morning sunshine.
After the morning exercise, of course, it was time for my most anticipated food session, eating a hot breakfast and enjoying a good life!
Sajaba ti éta, kantong ieu ogé boga jéntré utamana alus, nyaeta kantong dina dua sisi desain tombol.
Buka konci ngaitkeun, kantong ngandung tempoan jelas ngeunaan naon, pilari up hal utamana merenah.
Utamana pikeun kantong anu sarat pisan, detil sapertos kitu leres pisan nyentuh.
And because the leather is really too smooth, so the back on the body, always want to touch it, ha ha ~ ~
Nyaan! Tingali kana gambarna, sesah pikeun pinuh nepikeun kulit Chanel 22 anu sentuhan anu hipu!
Sakabehna, kuring ngarasa yén CHANEL 22 estu mulus pisan ngagunakeun, kumaha cocog sikep tas, mawa kaluar, ngarasa pinuh kapercayaan!
Saderhana, éta poé kahiji sanggeus mawa, isukna ogé rék mawa, ha ha ~
Sapertos ranté handap jalan mawa, abdi ogé cinta!
Well, the new CHANEL 22, today is the first to introduce you here! Do you like the way you share this time?
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