Carryall or Goyard Hobo, which one should I choose? (2023 Updated)

Carryall or Goyard Hobo, which one should I choose? (2023 Updated)-Ti o dara ju Didara iro Louis Vuitton apo Online itaja, Ajọra onise apo ru

Before buying top quality replica designer bags, everyone is picking their favorite designer bags, and after experiencing them at the boutique, they place an order with Shebag, which saves a lot of money and allows them to buy several designer bags every year!

Large bags are very popular this year, and today Shebag is taking a detailed inventory of the characteristics of various large designer bags.

When you look at the bag world now, it’s getting really exciting! The three-dimensional tote bag, underarm bag, big Hobo bag … There are so many different types of bags that are popular. Bag choice is quite a lot ~ choose the bag can be a difficult!

Carryall or Goyard Hobo, which one should I choose? (2023 Updated)-Ti o dara ju Didara iro Louis Vuitton apo Online itaja, Ajọra onise apo ru

Often is to pick the last, there will be the limit of two choose a situation …

So today, I will find these bags, let them directly to a “bag tournament”, head-on PK! See if you really have to choose one, which one will you choose in the end?  After watching the PK of the two bag contestants, you remember to vote for your pick at the end of the article!

Carryall or Goyard Hobo, which one should I choose? (2023 Updated)-Ti o dara ju Didara iro Louis Vuitton apo Online itaja, Ajọra onise apo ru

Once up, it’s probably the most difficult bag duo of the year! Louis Vuitton Carryall and Goyard Bohème, these two super difficult to buy big Hobo, are 2000 + price point. In the end how to choose it? It can be difficult for many girls!

Carryall or Goyard Hobo, which one should I choose? (2023 Updated)-Ti o dara ju Didara iro Louis Vuitton apo Online itaja, Ajọra onise apo ru

Goyard Bohème and Louis Vuitton Carryall PM

The bag has the old Louis Vuitton flowers that everyone knows, and it is not only recognizable, but also has a classic, simple shape that feels like it can be used for a lifetime~.

Carryall or Goyard Hobo, which one should I choose? (2023 Updated)-Ti o dara ju Didara iro Louis Vuitton apo Online itaja, Ajọra onise apo ru

At the same time, its shoulder strap can also be freely adjusted length.

Single shoulder is only elegant retro Hobo bag, switch to crossbody becomes more dashing rate. With a large bag type, a look at a very good use can be loaded, a comprehensive down really feel into the stock is not a loss, no wonder now so difficult to buy!

Carryall or Goyard Hobo, which one should I choose? (2023 Updated)-Ti o dara ju Didara iro Louis Vuitton apo Online itaja, Ajọra onise apo ru

Louis Vuitton Carryall MM

The other side of the Goyard Bohème is also popular to the global out of stock, can only be reserved! The casual big Hobo shape, with the brand’s iconic Goyardine pattern, looks classic, but also more low-key, tasteful niche sense than Louis Vuitton old flowers to ~.

Carryall or Goyard Hobo, which one should I choose? (2023 Updated)-Ti o dara ju Didara iro Louis Vuitton apo Online itaja, Ajọra onise apo ru

It has a non-adjustable shoulder strap and is currently only available in one size. But its seemingly flat body, but the capacity is very adequate, more than enough to hold a 13-inch MacBook. With the zipper closure at the mouth of the bag, it is thoughtful and secure to use ~

Carryall or Goyard Hobo, which one should I choose? (2023 Updated)-Ti o dara ju Didara iro Louis Vuitton apo Online itaja, Ajọra onise apo ru

So here comes the question: these two are using the brand’s signature classic pattern, but also are now very popular big Hobo, the price is also in 1W. If only one of these two bags could be lined up now, which one would you choose?

Carryall or Goyard Hobo, which one should I choose? (2023 Updated)-Ti o dara ju Didara iro Louis Vuitton apo Online itaja, Ajọra onise apo ru

Louis Vuitton is also a large-capacity bag models, many people will also wander between Onthego and Carryall, especially girls with commuting needs! Carryall will not need to say much, the soft body of the bag, giving more casual daily feeling ~.

Carryall or Goyard Hobo, which one should I choose? (2023 Updated)-Ti o dara ju Didara iro Louis Vuitton apo Online itaja, Ajọra onise apo ru

And Onthego is a popular for a long time square tote bag. The three-dimensional and shapely body of the bag, with the front and back of the two-color Monogram pattern, will look a little more design, with more aura!

Carryall or Goyard Hobo, which one should I choose? (2023 Updated)-Ti o dara ju Didara iro Louis Vuitton apo Online itaja, Ajọra onise apo ru

Its capacity is naturally superb, and the medium size can easily hold a 13-inch MacBook.

In addition to handheld, it can also be carried on one shoulder, very malleable! The only thing is that the price is more expensive, the medium size to 4000 USD, but Onthego is the brand has been launched evergreen models, after getting it is not likely to go out of fashion in a short time ~.

Carryall or Goyard Hobo, which one should I choose? (2023 Updated)-Ti o dara ju Didara iro Louis Vuitton apo Online itaja, Ajọra onise apo ru

Louis Vuitton Onthego MM

But then, although these two bags can be compared in some dimensions, but the reality is that there is a problem that can not be ignored. It is that Onthego can buy, Carryall can not buy! Will you switch to Onthego because you can’t buy Carryall? Or will you “fight to the end” with Carryall?

Carryall or Goyard Hobo, which one should I choose? (2023 Updated)-Ti o dara ju Didara iro Louis Vuitton apo Online itaja, Ajọra onise apo ru

Louis Vuitton Neverfull MM

And there is an option to get Neverfull, which is as casual and practical as Carryall, and super classic at a better price point!

Carryall or Goyard Hobo, which one should I choose? (2023 Updated)-Ti o dara ju Didara iro Louis Vuitton apo Online itaja, Ajọra onise apo ru

The relationship between Chanel 19 and 22, always feel quite a bit of “Queen killed the Queen” meaning ~.

Both are named after the year of their birth, both are once Chanel’s super main push models, the popularity of the heyday. But now, finally, the new Chanel 22 has prevailed!

Carryall or Goyard Hobo, which one should I choose? (2023 Updated)-Ti o dara ju Didara iro Louis Vuitton apo Online itaja, Ajọra onise apo ru

Chanel 22 Large

The Chanel 22 is also the representative bag of the popular Hobo. The enlarged diamond pattern bag body with leather through the chain shoulder strap, carry not lose the Chanel has been exquisite noble, but at the same time particularly casual! There is a kind of “fugitive noblewoman” dashing temperament ~.

Carryall or Goyard Hobo, which one should I choose? (2023 Updated)-Ti o dara ju Didara iro Louis Vuitton apo Online itaja, Ajọra onise apo ru

Although Chanel 22 is popular, but for many girls, into such a “garbage bag”, always feel that they buy is not Chanel… look around, eventually will want to get Chanel 19 such chain flap bag. The price point is comparable to Chanel 22, and also has Chanel’s signature elements.

Carryall or Goyard Hobo, which one should I choose? (2023 Updated)-Ti o dara ju Didara iro Louis Vuitton apo Online itaja, Ajọra onise apo ru

Chanel 19

The thickened multi-colored leather wear chain, with an enlarged diamond plaid Puffer bag body, the style is very prominent, there is a cool and lazy fashionable temperament. And the chain flap bag type, but also more Chanel bag timeless taste ~.

Carryall or Goyard Hobo, which one should I choose? (2023 Updated)-Ti o dara ju Didara iro Louis Vuitton apo Online itaja, Ajọra onise apo ru

I do not know now super popular big bag Chanel 22, and the design of the flamboyant chain flap bag Chanel 19, which do you think smells better?

Carryall or Goyard Hobo, which one should I choose? (2023 Updated)-Ti o dara ju Didara iro Louis Vuitton apo Online itaja, Ajọra onise apo ru

A few days ago Chanel experienced another round of price increases, the medium CF finally came to 11K USD price… More and more people are saying: with this money it is better to buy Hermes Mini Lindy! So this is a direct PK for them!

Carryall or Goyard Hobo, which one should I choose? (2023 Updated)-Ti o dara ju Didara iro Louis Vuitton apo Online itaja, Ajọra onise apo ru

Chanel CF we are all familiar with, is the bag sector is very classic chain flap bag, is also the heart of many girls white moonlight ~ iconic diamond pattern with double C locking buckle, and then with a very design sense of leather wear chain, a sense of elegance!

Carryall or Goyard Hobo, which one should I choose? (2023 Updated)-Ti o dara ju Didara iro Louis Vuitton apo Online itaja, Ajọra onise apo ru

Chanel Classic Flap Medium

So all along, if I were to say that Chanel’s most worthwhile bag, it would have to be the CF!

The shape of the chain flap bag, after the body not only has Chanel’s elegant and confident femininity, after getting it will not go out of fashion at all, can always be accompanied by ~.

Carryall or Goyard Hobo, which one should I choose? (2023 Updated)-Ti o dara ju Didara iro Louis Vuitton apo Online itaja, Ajọra onise apo ru

The Mini Lindy is a famous “young” Hermes bag. Advanced solid leather and workmanship, revealing a full sense of nobility, with a small bag type is exactly the type of bag that everyone loves to use every day.

Carryall or Goyard Hobo, which one should I choose? (2023 Updated)-Ti o dara ju Didara iro Louis Vuitton apo Online itaja, Ajọra onise apo ru

Hermès Mini Lindy

Although it is not a big bag, the capacity is very sufficient, more than CF! Plus the leather shoulder strap that can be crossbody, in general every aspect is excellent. No wonder the popularity has been particularly high since its launch! Nowadays, the price of Mini Lindy is at 8K USD, which sounds quite a bit better than CF, but it is really hard to buy without matching the goods…

Carryall or Goyard Hobo, which one should I choose? (2023 Updated)-Ti o dara ju Didara iro Louis Vuitton apo Online itaja, Ajọra onise apo ru

One is Chanel’s super classic Classic Flap, and the other is Hermes’ popular and useful Mini Lindy. if your budget can only take one, what’s your choice?

Carryall or Goyard Hobo, which one should I choose? (2023 Updated)-Ti o dara ju Didara iro Louis Vuitton apo Online itaja, Ajọra onise apo ru

I didn’t expect it! The two super noblewoman bag, also have a fight ~ first is Delvaux in recent years one of the most popular bags – Mini Brillant. simple and generous single-handle trapezoidal bag, with a soft and classic body silhouette, giving a sense of rigidity and flexibility of the big girl vantage point.

Carryall or Goyard Hobo, which one should I choose? (2023 Updated)-Ti o dara ju Didara iro Louis Vuitton apo Online itaja, Ajọra onise apo ru

Delvaux Mini Brillant

The solid workmanship and materials make this bag feel very high class! Plus the price of 6K USD, can be said to be a proper noblewoman’s bag ~ usually go out with it not only show temperament, but also a kind of non-flashy but very powerful feeling!

Carryall or Goyard Hobo, which one should I choose? (2023 Updated)-Ti o dara ju Didara iro Louis Vuitton apo Online itaja, Ajọra onise apo ru

The Goyard Mini Saïgon, which corresponds to it, is actually positioned quite similarly, and is a rather advanced choice among the big-name bags. But the Mini Saïgon style, in the noble and sophisticated will be more with some literary retro sense ~

Carryall or Goyard Hobo, which one should I choose? (2023 Updated)-Ti o dara ju Didara iro Louis Vuitton apo Online itaja, Ajọra onise apo ru

Goyard Mini Saïgon

Especially the hard version of Mini Saïgon with wooden strips decoration, the pencil body is very temperamental, but also reveals a little vintage style.

The price of 6K USD is not low among the big brand bags, but there are many noblewomen who pick it to get it ~

Carryall or Goyard Hobo, which one should I choose? (2023 Updated)-Ti o dara ju Didara iro Louis Vuitton apo Online itaja, Ajọra onise apo ru

Singaporean celebrity Jamie Chua

So one is the simple and classic Delvaux Mini Brillant and the other is the vintage and literary Goyard Mini SaÏgon. who will you vote for?

Carryall or Goyard Hobo, which one should I choose? (2023 Updated)-Ti o dara ju Didara iro Louis Vuitton apo Online itaja, Ajọra onise apo ru

The Louis Vuitton Diane or Boulogne, for many girls is also a big problem! Diane has a flap bag shape that everyone likes, slender baguette body with Monogram old flowers, retro and elegant temperament ~.

Carryall or Goyard Hobo, which one should I choose? (2023 Updated)-Ti o dara ju Didara iro Louis Vuitton apo Online itaja, Ajọra onise apo ru

Two completely different straps can also create different styles ~

Leather short shoulder straps underarm carry is retro-chic style, change the long shoulder straps crossbody, is more hip and cool, street some.

Carryall or Goyard Hobo, which one should I choose? (2023 Updated)-Ti o dara ju Didara iro Louis Vuitton apo Online itaja, Ajọra onise apo ru

Another Boulogne is also the same Monogram old flower pattern. But it has the shape of a croissant, the overall design is more simple, so look more casual, vintage flavor is also more intense ~.

Carryall or Goyard Hobo, which one should I choose? (2023 Updated)-Ti o dara ju Didara iro Louis Vuitton apo Online itaja, Ajọra onise apo ru

It can be carried in a variety of ways, by adjusting a shoulder strap into an underarm bag and a shoulder crossbody bag. At the same time, it is decorated with a metal chain that Diane does not have, adding more sophistication and chic to the original retro design.

Carryall or Goyard Hobo, which one should I choose? (2023 Updated)-Ti o dara ju Didara iro Louis Vuitton apo Online itaja, Ajọra onise apo ru

Both bags are members of the “Louis Vuitton Six” as I call them, and the prices are very similar, so it’s really hard to choose! The only thing is, Boulogne is relatively better than Diane to buy some… I wonder which of these two bags is more in line with your expectations of the classic Louis Vuitton pattern bag?

Carryall or Goyard Hobo, which one should I choose? (2023 Updated)-Ti o dara ju Didara iro Louis Vuitton apo Online itaja, Ajọra onise apo ru

The last PK is a constant topic for bag lovers: which do you love more, Birkin or Kelly?

Birkin is the king of the bag world! The name “platinum bag” sounds expensive and is a symbol of wealth and status in the bag world.

Carryall or Goyard Hobo, which one should I choose? (2023 Updated)-Ti o dara ju Didara iro Louis Vuitton apo Online itaja, Ajọra onise apo ru

The shorter double carry handle design makes this bag casual and dominant! In the hearts of many bag lovers, Birkin is the ultimate bag model that you have to have one no matter what, and buy the bag to the end.

Carryall or Goyard Hobo, which one should I choose? (2023 Updated)-Ti o dara ju Didara iro Louis Vuitton apo Online itaja, Ajọra onise apo ru

The corresponding Kelly, although not Birkin “bag king” feeling, is only Birkin than the history of Hermes bags. Especially Princess Grace Kelly of Monaco before carrying its elegant image, now look again is still very classic.

Carryall or Goyard Hobo, which one should I choose? (2023 Updated)-Ti o dara ju Didara iro Louis Vuitton apo Online itaja, Ajọra onise apo ru

Princess Grace Kelly of Monaco

Kelly’s single-handle trapezoidal body, it does not look like a platinum bag “rich” sense, giving more elegance and nobility, more introspective. The key is that Kelly later also with the shoulder strap, you can completely free up your hands, the practicality of a lot higher!

Carryall or Goyard Hobo, which one should I choose? (2023 Updated)-Ti o dara ju Didara iro Louis Vuitton apo Online itaja, Ajọra onise apo ru

If you don’t have both Birkin and Kelly, and sales happen to offer one of them, who will you choose?
