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Dior Book Tote best quality replica bags (2022 updated)
The Dior Book Tote is embroidered with a new étoile pattern throughout, paying homage to Mr. Dior’s beloved star motif. This high quality replica bag is also one of Dior’s most popular bags. It is a staple item that reflects the aesthetic. The front is embellished with the “CHRISTIAN DIOR” logo, which is very recognizable to the brand. It embodies the iconic craftsmanship and has a very good capacity to store all kinds of daily necessities, and can be carried by hand or on the shoulder, which looks great either way.
Usayizi omkhulu: 41.5x35x18cm
Usayizi omaphakathi: 36.5x28x14cm
Chofoza lapha ukuze uthenge izikhwama ze-Dior zekhwalithi engcono kakhulu

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