Which one should I buy for the first replica designer bag of my life? (2022 Edition)

Which one should I buy for the first replica designer bag of my life? (2022 Edition)-Best Quality Fake designer Bag Review, Replica designer bag ru

The designer replica bags mentioned in the article below are priced between $200-300 and can be purchased at www.cfbuy.ru .

Many girls in the purchase of their first big brand bag before, may be looking forward to, their first big brand bag will be which ah? In fact, the selection of lifeā€™s first big brand bag, is really a discipline.

I really summed up a few criteria: as the first big brand bag, this bag is best to be the brandā€™s evergreen models, less likely to go out of fashion; at the same time, practicality, relatively can adapt to a variety of occasions. In addition, its price is best within $3000, with a relatively high cost performance. Familiar with my bag fans should know that I will update the ā€œfirst bagā€ list every year.

So today, Iā€™ll give you a summary of the bags that can be included in the first big brand bag candidate area of life in 2022! Letā€™s take a look, which one will you choose?

1 First designer bag replica: Louis Vuitton Alma

When it comes to the first replica bag, you may actually want to start looking at the popular models from the major brands. These bags are popular for a reason! Usually the shape is more rule, in the bag world also has a certain status; and at the same time very daily practical, where to go can carry, after the purchase is less likely to regret. If you want to spend your money on a limited budget, you can consider these styles below!

Louis Vuittonā€™s old flower series is still a great choice for many peopleā€™s starter bags. The Monogram series of bags are made of durable materials, easy to keep, and the key price is more than two thousand dollars, which is a good choice for the first big brand bag. Moreover, the old flower series has a variety of styles and designs, the choice can be said to be very much! Whatā€™s more, most of the bags in this series are relatively good bag type. Daily commute available, out shopping or travel when carrying also very smooth. If you do not know whether to buy a lot of big-name bags in the future, then I would especially recommend the practical faction of the style, such as messenger bags, Speedy, Neo Noe, etc.. Not only the shape of the classic and durable, in the texture, capacity, versatility and other aspects of performance is also very good!

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2 First designer bag replica: Louis Vuitton Nano Speedy

If you want a more fashionable Louis Vuitton small bag, you can consider buying a Nano Speedy. it not only has old flowers, is Speedy, mini-compact shape and very in line with the trend. And in the small bag capacity is very good, the shoulder strap can also be crossbody, practicality is very enough! The only one drawback is that it is really not easy to buy, like if you may have to ask more to the store.

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3 First designer bag replica: Saint Laurent Niki

The Niki is one of Saint Laurentā€™s hottest bags right now! It combines the advantages of a big brand, versatile and practical. Itā€™s a great choice for a first big-name bag! It is also this recommendation list, in the budget of a rare full leather style, and is not a mini bag, is really a very high cost of existence! Chain flap bag design, plus the YSL LOGO support, the combination is very classic, but also very low-key everyday, no matter what the occasion to carry it is not too wrong. And, many girls say that after buying Niki, the utilization of the bag is very high, a kind of money back feeling!

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4 First designer bag replica: Gucci 1955 Horsebit

1955 Horsebit is currently a very representative Gucci bag. Not only is it a perfect interpretation of Gucciā€™s literary retro style, but itā€™s outstanding in terms of classic elements, capacity and practicality! As the first bag, it is actually more suitable to buy the GG Supreme canvas patchwork leather style. The bag comes with a quiet, vintage accent, and more than imagined to match, show temperament!

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5 First designer bag replica: Gucci GG Marmont

Another recognizable Gucci bag is the GG Marmont! Practical metal chain + leather flap bag design, looks very basic, but not dull. Because the shape is very simple, this bag is particularly easy to match, even if dressed casually casual, carrying it is also very reasonable. At the same time, the double G LOGO will also inject a lot of personality and sophistication to a dress, so this bag can also be carried when dress up. The style and carry method can be changed according to the needs of different occasions, practicality is full of points! Its price is also quite good in the big leather bags, the popular small and mini size are more than 10,000 prices. If you want a classic and secure bag, you can choose it!

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6 First designer bag replica: Prada Nylon Bags

Prada nylon series is also a good choice for the first bag, especially the most classic Hobo, not only now is still very hot, more importantly, the price is very good to start. A few thousand dollars can buy a fashionable, lightweight and good care, and can be used for a long time Prada bag, it still feels very worth it! If you want to advance a bit, you can consider Prada ā€œthree in oneā€. Compared to the retro sense of Hobo, ā€œthree in oneā€ looks a little more modern, suitable for the style of sports street girls. The biggest highlight of this bag is that it can be split and reassembled into different styles for a more versatile look. You can use the long shoulder strap crossbody to carry to the body, but also with a short chain shoulder or hand-carried, buy a bag equal to have several!

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7 First designer bag replica: Hermes Herbag

The Herbag is one of the few Hermes models that can be bought for almost $3,000, which is a very acceptable price for the brand! So many people use it as a Hermes starter bag. The shape of the bag is very similar to Kelly, and some people will initially have the mentality of treating it as a ā€œKelly flatā€. The Herbag is a new bag that has been launched year after year, and is stylish enough to carry a casual and sophisticated style, so itā€™s not really a bag that will be eliminated if you buy more. If you want to step in place directly from Hermes, as the first bag, Herbag can actually be used for a long time, it is quite worth buying!

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8 First designer bag replica: Celine Triomphe Cabas

The new Celine Triomphe canvas series is generally well priced. The overall style is cool, and itā€™s light and well cared for. Now itā€™s popular among young girls, and itā€™s a great first choice! One of my most recommended Triomphe Cabas, this bag type of different sizes, different designs, are very suitable for the first bag to buy. The large size of the Tote bag capacity is enough, usually work and commute or go out to play are used. If you donā€™t like big bags, you can look at the popular mini size, no matter what style of girls carry on the body is very refreshing. And although it is ā€œminiā€ size, its capacity is actually quite good! Especially the girls usually go out will rarely take a special more things, this size will be completely enough to use. Like this simple vertical version of the mini Tote bag type, but also will not easily out of date, can be said to be fashionable and practical both a bag! This yearā€™s new white mini Triomphe Cabas also look good, especially for spring and summer back, feel very fresh!

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9 First designer bag replica: Goyard St. Louis

I believe there are many people who will choose the Tote bag as their first big brand bag! Louis Vuitton Neverfull, for example, was once a particularly hot big-name introductory style. But now look, Neverfull back people inevitably or a little more, as their first big brand bag to buy may be less fresh. Therefore, Goyard St. Louis has become the first choice for many peopleā€™s big brand tote bag! This bag has a large capacity, light weight, and durable canvas material, so you can carry it every day after you buy it, whether you use it as a commuter bag or travel bag is very trustworthy. And Goyard Monogram than the general solid color Tote bag and more design, carry it also looks very tasteful. The price of different sizes and colors of the bag are also in about $2000, as the first big brand bag, buy it is not likely to go wrong!

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10 First designer bag replica: Loewe Puzzle

If you like a low-profile and practical style, Loewe Puzzle is a good choice. The shape is classic and simple enough that there is no concern of it going out of style. The Puzzle is a two-strap design, so you can carry it on your hand, shoulder, or crossbody, as you like. The square shape of the bag, good capacity, style is also very good to manage, not to pick the season or wear, it can be said that after buying the daily use of a bag will be very high! If you feel that the practical evergreen models are a little too safe, in fact, some of the fashionable styles are now worth a look! Although they are still relatively shallow in the bag world, but are now very important to the brand style, but also good enough to match, good enough to use, the next few years will not be easily outdated. The most important thing is that these bags on the body directly become the focus of fashion people, the topic is super high!

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11 First designer bag replica: Burberry New Pocket

Pocket is one of the masterpieces of the new Burberry, the design throughout the brandā€™s iconic elements, both young street sense, but also retain the classic British style! In addition, in the practicality of the Pocket performance is really quite good, there is nothing to pick in all aspects, the overall strength is very strong! The key is that such a good-looking and good big brand bag, within 10,000 yuan can be bought, the cost performance can be said to be very high!

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12 First designer bag replica: Burberry TB Bag

Another iconic style that has a strong presence in the new Burberry is the TB Bag. flap design + TB LOGO, the overall look both young and modern, literary style or street style girls can manage! These two bags in the big brand bag price is not bad, and after all, is a very high degree of universal Burberry, the future prospects are also very good, as the first bag is quite trustworthy!

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13 First designer bag replica: Gucci Jackie 1961

The first bag wants to be fashionable some, can consider looking at Gucci Jackie 1961! The price of this bag is also in the range of $2000, to buy a very hot Gucci bag at this price, or more acceptable. The replica hobo shape, originally a very classic design in the bag world, will not have the risk of obsolescence after purchase. Especially the old flower model Jackie 1961, also happens to cater to the most popular retro style now, fashionable hipster men and women are carrying! The fashionability is high, but the practicality of this bag is also very sufficient, with a long shoulder strap, usually want to carry more than one bag is no problem!

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14 First designer bag replica: Prada Cleo

When it was launched last year, many celebrities were carrying it, and it was extremely popular! If you like Prada, but can not quite accept nylon, Cleo is a good choice! The shape is generous and simple, both very classic phase, also has its own special features, after a few years back again is still a very design sense of a small bag.

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15 First designer bag replica: Balenciaga Hourglass

Hourglass is an edgy and unique look, especially for girls who are chic and like to be different! Although the shape is special, but in fact does not make people feel too ostentatious, daily use is still very good to manage. The handle + long shoulder strap design is very thoughtful, when you need to free your hands crossbody back is very convenient, want to be more model can be hand-carried, the sense of modern immediately out! This bag is also sweet and cool in style, very fashionable and attitude! Whatā€™s even more attractive is that it is one of the few big name leather styles that you can get for $2,000-$3,000 right now! Plus the texture is also good, making it quite worthwhile.

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16 First designer bag replica: Bottega Veneta Padded Cassette

The first bag if you want to choose BV, I would recommend buying a model with classic elements. The Mini Jodie, for example, is a great starter model, and can be bought for as little as 15,000! This bag with Bottegaā€™s signature woven elements, both the brandā€™s classic phase, shape and very cute! The Padded Cassette is another BV bag with woven elements, its enlarged woven pattern is even more special, plus the popular drum bag shape, classic but not lose the sense of fashion. The shoulder strap is also adjustable, so many different kinds of back can be achieved. The simple shape is also not too strong style, daily very good with!

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17 First designer bag replica: Dior Book Tote / Louis Vuitton Onthego

I guess there are some girls who want to find a non-basic, more special big brand Tote bag, I think you can look at the more fashionable three-dimensional silhouette Tote bag. The two hottest models are the Dior Book Tote and the Louis Vuitton Onthego. Both of these bags come with the brandā€™s recognizable Monogram, and the capacity is also very loaded! Book Tote is not so stiff, more casual. It is worth mentioning that it comes with a long shoulder strap, the shoulder is very comfortable, practicality is better than the Book Tote! In addition, the price of these two bags also has a certain difference, you can refer to according to their own budget.

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18 First designer bag replica: Chanel Classic Flap / Chanel 2.55

If you are more ample on the budget, you can certainly also consider a step in place, directly buy super classic models as the first big brand bag. Although the more classic the bag the more expensive, many of the big classic bags have been asking for $7,000. Chanelā€™s super classic 2.55 and Classic Flap have now exceeded $8,000 after several rounds of price increases. The actual classic is really not a mistake, if the budget is sufficient, in fact, you can really consider directly down. Especially the girl with Chanel complex, no matter how will definitely want to buy classic models, instead of taking a lot of detours, early buy may also be able to avoid later price increases, but more appropriate.

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19 First designer bag replica: Lady Dior

Diorā€™s super classic Lady Dior daffy bag, looks a kind of elegant and noble feminine. Is a not only girls love, boys also understand the bag. The classic shape is deeply rooted and can be said to have laid the impression of Dior in the hearts of many people. It is both a bag that can be placed in the bag cabinet collection, but at the same time is also very suitable for everyday. Whether it is formal or casual occasions can be used, the image is very decent, very valuable investment!

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20 First designer bag replica: Fendi Peekaboo

Peekaboo is a classic enough choice, but even more special. Since its launch for such a long time, there are new designs coming out every season. As a brand super classic model, it does not have an obvious LOGO, but has its own unique style, very temperament, belong to the kind of bag that can always accompany us. Well, todayā€™s introductory bag world ā€œthe first big brand bagā€ recommendation to share is here! Todayā€™s recommended bag, there is no which you also feel very suitable as the first big brand bag? Which is the first big brand bag you bought?

Which one should I buy for the first replica designer bag of my life? (2022 Edition)-Best Quality Fake designer Bag Review, Replica designer bag ru

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